IAFF Wellness Fitness Initiative

Public Safety Medical has been a participant and task force member of this innovative initiative, developed by the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), to improve the health and safety of public safety professionals since its inception in 1997.


Due to the alarming rate of duty-related deaths and premature retirements due to injury, the IAFF (International Association of Fire Fighters) and the IAFC (international Association of Fire Chiefs) decided this issue was too big to not address.  In 1996. they along with ten pairs of locals unions and their departments, as well as select experienced physician groups (including Public Safety Medical) joined together to form the Fire Service Joint Labor Management Wellness-Fitness Task Force.  Their goal was to design a mandatory, non-punitive, and positive program that would help keep firefighters fit and healthy throughout their fire service career.


Out of this collaboration came the WFI (Wellness-Fitness Initiative) in 1997.  Designed to be comprehensive yet cost effective, it realized great success in accomplishing its goals.  In fact, the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) adopted the standards as part of their 1582 Standard.  Additionally, the NFFF (National Fallen Firefighters Foundation) advocates for this program.

For more information on the Wellness-Fitness Initiative, click here

Please forward this email to any Peer Fitness Trainers and Chiefs responsible for Wellness Fitness testing in your department.  Our free online program and App provides a service to enter and keep track of scores from the Wellness Fitness Initiative (WFI) by the IAFF/IAFC. link: https://www.iaff.org/wellness-fitness/. 

The free Website/App also includes a Health Record, Health Trackers, Mental Wellness Assessments and Calculations to estimate life expectancy.  

Note: None of the Mental Wellness or Calculations entries are stored so users can log in play with the numbers and see how their life expectancy changes as they change their blood (eg. cholesterol) profile and or modify an addiction use! The results may surprise you! Did you know that drinking 2x per day since 18 years old can reduce your iife expectancy by about 20 years! Log in the try for yourself. Very interesting and all based on peer reviewed and published literature. 

You can add/remove variables by clicking on variable on bottom of graphs. Also see summary report for each test date by clicking on More Details in left column of the table on top of the page.

To enter your own data (repeat testing):To enter new WFI scores click on tab: “Enter Scores for IAFF/IAFC Wellness Fitness Initiative (WFI)

Note: If the 12 digit PIN box if left blank a new randomly assigned PIN will be assigned for each person. If you want to assign a PIN to a person (or know a person’s PIN due to repeat testing) enter the known 12 digit PIN in the first box.Health and Wellness for your Department:The program also has links for Health and Wellness. Links include a Health Record, Health Trackers, Mental Wellness assessments. 

None of the Mental Wellness or Calculations entries are stored so users can log in play with the numbers and see how their life expectancy changes as they change their blood (eg. cholesterol) profile and or modify their addiction use! Very interesting and all based on peer reviewed and published literature. The results may surprise you!

All data is private and security is our number one priority! All data has end to end encryption and uses all the latest and most secure software.

Everything also accessible through mobile devices:All this can also be done on phones through the APP at: www.HealthWellness.App which can be downloaded from Apple or Google. Any feedback, comments and suggestions (good or bad) is greatly appreciated. Bulk upload of data/scores is also possible. 

Your HealthWellness.App team